Social Studies

A group of students viewing a poster board project.

The Hardin County High School Social Studies Department is charged with the responsibilities outlined in the HCHS mission statement and the State of Tennessee Department of Education’s Social Studies Standards. A professional team of teachers, who lead students through the twists and turns of history, geography, government, and economics, has been established to achieve a high level of learning. With a combined teaching experience record of more than 135 years, the seven department instructors average 19 years of classroom experience each. The greatest care has been applied to nurture a sense of the importance of knowledge of the cultures of the world as well as local and regional cultures. No stone has been left unturned to insure an optimum outcome for both teacher and student.

Course Features

Multiple forms of instruction are coupled with a vast array of technology to construct an overall approach to learning that, in combination, has been proven to keep content retention and subsequent high levels of success on state mandated tests.  Students are exposed to multifaceted and highly diversified teaching strategies to maximize success on the higher learning level as well as minimize affective outcomes.

The following are just a few of the strategies and technologies available:

Focus on Parental Involvement

The HCHS Social Studies Department strives to include the entire community in its efforts to educate the people of Hardin County. One integral component of that effort is parental involvement in the academic lives of their children. Multiple approaches are employed to achieve this goal. A policy of broad transparency and accessibility is maintained regarding all areas of student progress. In addition, parents are encouraged to be involved directly in the learning process.

 Every effort is made to encourage input and dialogue between parent, teacher, and student.

HCHS Social Studies courses and general descriptions as offered by the Tennessee Department of Education standards


Students will examine the allocation of scarce resources and the economic reasoning used by government agencies and by people as consumers, producers, savers, investors, workers, and voters. Key elements of the course include the study of scarcity, supply and demand, market structures, the role of government, national income determination, money and the role of financial institutions, economic stabilization, and trade. Students will examine the key economic philosophies and economists who have influenced the economies around the world in the past and present. Informational text and primary sources will play an instrumental part of the study of economics where it is appropriate.

United States Government and Civics

Students will study the purposes, principles, and practices of American government as established by the Constitution. Students are expected to understand their rights and responsibilities as citizens and how to exercise these rights and responsibilities in local, state, and national government. Students will learn the structure and processes of the government of the state of Tennessee and various local governments. The reading of primary source documents is a key feature of United States Government and Civics standards.

United States History and Geography

Students will examine the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution and America’s growing role in world diplomatic relations, including the Spanish- American War and World War I. Students will study the goals and accomplishments of the Progressive movement and the New Deal. Students will also learn about the various factors that led to America’s entry into World War II, as well as its consequences for American life. Students will explore the causes and course of the Cold War. Students will study the important social, cultural, economic, and political changes resulting from the Civil Rights Movement, the Cold War, and recent events and trends that have shaped modern-day America. Additionally, students will learn the causes and consequences of contemporary issues impacting their world today. Students will continue to use skills for historical and geographical analysis as they examine American history since Reconstruction with special attention to Tennessee connections in history, geography, politics, and people. Students will continue to learn fundamental concepts in civics, economics, and geography within the context of United States history. The reading of primary source documents is a key feature of United States history standards. Finally, students will focus on current human and physical geographic issues important in contemporary America and the global society.

World Geography

Students will examine the global perspectives, basic concepts, and fundamental questions of geography. Students will focus on the ways through which all places on Earth are interconnected and how the human use of Earth’s surface varies over space. Topics studied in the course include physical processes, human populations and migration, regions of the world, resources, and the tools used by modern geographers.

Two students reviewing a poster project.

World History and Geography: The Industrial Revolution to the Contemporary World

Students will study the rise of the nation state in Europe, the French Revolution, and the economic and political roots of the modern world. They will examine the origins and consequences of the Industrial Revolution, nineteenth century political reform in Western Europe, and imperialism in Africa, Asia, and South America. They will explain the causes and consequences of the great military and economic events of the past century, including the World Wars, the Great Depression, the Cold War, and the Russian and Chinese Revolutions. Finally, students will study the rise of nationalism and the continuing persistence of political, ethnic, and religious conflict in many parts of the world. Relevant Tennessee connections will be part of the curriculum, as well as appropriate primary source documents. Students will explore geographic influences on history, with attention given to political boundaries that developed with the evolution of nations from 1750 to the present and the subsequent human geographic issues that dominate the global community. Additionally, students will study aspects of technical geography such as GPS and GIS and how these innovations continuously impact geopolitics in the contemporary world.
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